This is good news for everyone!
Let's start with me: At last, I can compete with female egg donors in the commodification of my sex organs! The markets are down, and in these hard times, it's been hard to stay hard, but fear not, man! Now you can pay back the loan that the receptionist at the sperm bank gave you "if you would just give up already," thereby solving all of life's problems. Let's look at this simple diagram:
Testicles => Liver............................................................
.............Payback Loan .....................................................
...................../ \................................................................
.Save Market....Marry Receptionist................................
.Regain Virility ===> Children....................................
........................................./ \...........................................
.................Grand Children...Testicles => Liver => Money
..................................../ \................................................
Great Grand Children... Testicles => Liver => Money.....
............ ......V...................................................................
Etc., to infinity, resulting in infinite moneys!! God, life is simple.
Yet, the rising tide lifts all boats, and, thus, annoyingly, the newly found fruits in my forest will benefit others. In fact, some people may already be unknowingly experiencing such benefits. For example, perhaps the greater longevity of women can now be accounted for as a direct result of ingesting... stem cells, somehow.
Moreover, the increasing value of my valuables (or the sky-rocketing stock of my stock) represents the versatile potential of these potatoes, even for such disparate institutions as science and religion: for example, as the number of men that are desperate enough to contribute to progress increases, so will the number of eligible candidates available to sing in the pope's choir...

Whatever. Despite the analogy, my manhood is boss, and all my critics can shove it, you hear? Existential feminists, transcend already! I've found a new object for my subject and it's me. Go ahead, call me nuts. I take that as a compliment.
Great first post, John! It really takes some balls to hang it out there like that.
I am, for the most part, without words. Congrats.
Very interesting John. Your weirdness just shines right through, it's great haha.
- Andrea (the one you accidently call)
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The last two comments were a little off topic, but, good news! Even if you didn't bother to read the post before commenting, I'd still be happy to send you a sample, 100% free. Just e-mail me and I'll whip that up for you.
It'd be my pleasure, Kirk, and, Johnson, I'd be happy to share the love (from one johnson to another).
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