If the reports of such unruly behavior are not incriminating enough, there also appears to be a history of conspiracy and cover-ups in the same area. In 1808, a storm in the Orkney Islands washed ashore a mysterious carcass. It was 55 ft. long, with three pairs of paws or wings, and a mane that ran all the way down its back. The locals drew several diagrams of the beast, and declared it an unknown species of sea serpent. Forty-one years later, a team of naturalists examined the skeleton and dismissed it as an exceptionally large, decaying basking shark.
More mysterious maritime meat-monsters:
I've got more carcasses, but posting the pictures was causing weird format issues, so whatever.

Obv: Hippocamp Rev: Taras on Dolphin"

Wow, I ended up getting pretty into this coins-with-Hippocamps-on-them-thing. If anyone finds one in their change, please send it my way for, uh, verification. I'll post one more:
Phoenicia, Byblos, Azbaal 350-333 BC. War galley left with lion's head prow ornament, zig-zag row of waves below, three hoplites with round shields within, hippocamp left above murex. No between hippocamp and gally / lion attacking bull to the left."

There are several other similar cases. Out of laziness, I'm just going to quote some websites:
The Gargouille
From the waters of the Seine, a monster with a great scaled head appears one day and starts mercilessly satureating the land until the entire region is flooded. The Archbishop of Rouen, St. Romain, with one volunteer, a prisoner on the death roll, sets out to conquer the monster. When St. Romain confronts the monster, he places two fingers one against another, forming a cross. This gesture immediately tames the Gargouille. It is led submissively back in town and burned to death.
The story of the Gargouille is found in the "Serpent Dragons" section of this collection of dragon stories. The Gargouille is described as a colossal monster with a long neck, a slender snout and eyes greaming like moonstones. It is also claimed that the word "gargoyle" is derived from the name of this monster, borrowing both its shape and the water spouting trait. The taming process is very similar between this and the story of The Tarasque.
The story of the Gargouille is found in the "Serpent Dragons" section of this collection of dragon stories. The Gargouille is described as a colossal monster with a long neck, a slender snout and eyes greaming like moonstones. It is also claimed that the word "gargoyle" is derived from the name of this monster, borrowing both its shape and the water spouting trait. The taming process is very similar between this and the story of The Tarasque.
(pictured: Gargouille at Laon Cathedral; for scale, note the little dude holding the rope around its neck).
The Tarasque,

The Tarasque cannot be destroyed by mere human strength or weapons. The people in Nerluc have suffered many years until Martha, the girl with a quiet disposition and a Christian, comes to spread the words of God to the pagan people. She listens to the stories of the Tarasque and sets out, bear-footed, to search the dragon. When she finds the dragon, she uses two sticks as a cross and that stops the dragon as if it is pierced by a sword. She sprinkles holy water on the dragon and that quenches all the fire in him. She uses his sharp tooth to cut off her braids and using the braids as a bridle, leads him back in town, tame as a lamb. The townspeople kills the Tarasque with a shower of stones and Martha weeps for the creature but forgives the people's action because she understands their long-time suffering.
This male dragon is enormous. His body is most like an ox but with six short bear-like legs with enormous claws. On his body he has two shields like those of a turtle but covered with curved spikes, and the rest of his body is covered with closely overlapping scales that formed his armor. His tail is long and curved like a scorpion. His head is that of a lion, yet with a horse's ears, but his face, with eyebrows and mustache, is that of a sad and bitter old man. The Tarasque is described as an evil fire-breathing beast.
http://www.fairrosa.info/dragon/tarasque.html (pictured: a statue of the Tarasque near King Rene's Castle in Tarascon. The town changed its name from Nerluc to Tarascon after the Tarasque incident).This male dragon is enormous. His body is most like an ox but with six short bear-like legs with enormous claws. On his body he has two shields like those of a turtle but covered with curved spikes, and the rest of his body is covered with closely overlapping scales that formed his armor. His tail is long and curved like a scorpion. His head is that of a lion, yet with a horse's ears, but his face, with eyebrows and mustache, is that of a sad and bitter old man. The Tarasque is described as an evil fire-breathing beast.

Well, I wanted to write a lot more, about Champ and those other guys, but I'm getting tired of this, and would like to blog about something else. In fact, I am just going to end this post prematurly and inconclusivly. May I placate you with some links?
This link provides written accounts of various "lake dragons" around the world. It is 1)an internet source for 2)cryptozoology, maintained by 3)a Young Earth Creationist. In terms of scientific credibility, it is 1)a desert, 2)sewn with salt, and then 3) nuked. In defense of YECs though, I do sort of find Sarah Palin attractive... in the way that the male mantis pursues his inexorable doom, or in a I-am-prepared-file-down-the-fangs-of-our-offspring sort of way. Hiss! Call me, Sarah. http://www.lakedragons.livingdinos.com/
When I first started looking at sea serpents, I came up with what I deemed to be a witty phrase, "different fakes for different lakes." However, there are astonishing similarities between the monsters, particularly amongst the reports that people give of their sightings. A few common features include: long neck with a mane, horse-like head held about one foot above the water, vertical undulations (unlike... everything, which undulates horizontally), glowing eyes, bla bla bla. In the end, I have to say, who knows... unless you've run into one, in which case, I suppose you know. Anyway, I've posted some links to videos on youtube that are kinda fun.
Champ on ABC News
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0wvZf8z_M4Connecticut Lake Monster?
unknown creature in Kanas Lake
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgaihUBaTIM&feature=relatedThe Ogopogo
Swedish Lake Monster
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaNb_h2t018Animal X - Turkish Lake Monster
Part 1 Lake Monster Canada - Animal X Classic
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ed2cxz1R_8Part 2 Lake Monster Canada - Animal X Classic
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCrk6fo3FIE&feature=channelUNSOLVED MYSTERIES!!
Loch Ness & OgoPogo Monster !! - (Part 1 of 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXMIVpHGm-c&feature=relatedLoch Ness & OgoPogo Monster !! - (Part 2 of 2)
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